Do you know why Can Japan be considered the land of vending machines ? Sayings in Japanese jidōhanbaiki自動販売機 are many, they are found everywhere, from the squares of large metropolises to the mountains or small countryside villages, and they literally sell every kind of product.
According to the National Association of Manufacturers, there are more than 5.5 million, about one for every 23 people , for an annual income that amounts to over 60 billion dollars. Extremely iconic and full of meaning , they are able to say much more than you think about the exceptional culture of this country: we have listed 15 reasons for the enormous diffusion of vending machines in Japan.

Hokkaido in Winter © Hong kihyun
- They are found everywhere. On the roads traveled by commuters, in stations, at bus stops, outside supermarkets, in parks, on train carriages, in sanctuaries: every corner has its own vending machine.
- They sell everything you need. What can you find in Japanese vending machines? Sweet and savory street food, sushi, soups and traditional dishes, soft drinks and energy drinks, tea and coffee, flower arrangements, mystery boxes, anime and manga, underwear and t-shirts, collectible toys and action figures, spices, eggs day, broth, lettuce, fresh fruit and vegetables, bagged rice, snacks and ice cream, popcorn, clothing and accessories, ties, aphorisms on paper and amulets, insurance policies for tourists, cubed ice, shots of sake and draft beer , umbrellas, masks, photographs of famous people, technological products, glasses.
- Fascination for everything that is automatic. Japanese culture is strongly inclined and attracted to the world of automation and robotics.
- High labor costs. Since the Second World War in Japan, factors such as a declining birth rate, an aging population and a lack of immigration have contributed to making the workforce both scarce and expensive.

A colorful vending machine in Yamanashi © Nattasak Buranasri
- Low crime rate. According to the 2010 United Nations crime report, Japan ranks with one of the lowest rates of robberies in the world: especially vandalism and property crimes are rare. It helps that many vending machines have cameras installed and a direct line to the police.
- High population density and cost of real estate. Vending machines do not require a clerk or excessive space. With a population of 127 million people in a country smaller than California, Japan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, which has driven up real estate prices for decades.
- Uniqueness of the products on sale. Some items are normally impossible to find in traditional shops.
- Good diffusion possibilities for producers. Vending machines, in particular for beverage companies, represent an economical way to distribute their products: a simple but widespread infrastructure, used by most people on a daily basis given the low propensity to stock "large stocks". in home.

Soft drinks in Shinanomachi © Takamex
- High propensity to use cash. Coins, from 1 円 to 500 円, are very common and quite heavy in the wallets of Japanese people, who willingly get rid of them by purchasing something at the vending machine: a convenient and useful way to get rid of them.
- The goods are always fresh and the products intact. There is an availability control system for managers and those who manage vending machines in Japan so that the products are never out of stock and the goods are always fresh and in the best conditions.
- Presence of lower and more convenient prices. Many products inside have rather low prices; furthermore, in the past vending machines were very widespread where the cost of each item was set at 100 Yen, corresponding to less than 0.80 Euro.
- Anyone can become the owner of a vending machine. This is a business that is simple and relatively cheap to get into, especially compared to for example purchasing a commercial retail space or opening a kombini .
A promotional video of the Acure Pass brand
- They are very safe. Some vending machines in Japan are equipped with a defibrillator, they can provide evacuation information in the event of natural disasters, and they dispense water for emergencies. During the pandemic, distributors were also created with payment via app, reservation and the possibility of selecting and collecting products with pedals and without the use of hands.
- Possibility of interaction with humans. A series of new vending machines are equipped with a speaker that says thanks in the regional dialect, others leave a motivational message, still others can lend an umbrella on rainy days. Attractive graphic interfaces and touch screens replace cold buttons, with the possibility of activating a camera that identifies the person and recommends a drink.
- They are active 24 hours a day. You can purchase and consume at any time of the day or night.

A collage of some shots by Eiji Ohashi © Eiji Ohashi (all rights reserved)
A curiosity ? Only in recent years have several artistic projects and series of shots been created such as "Time to Shine" by the Japanese Eiji Ohashi or "Tokyo Vending Machine" by the German Benedikt Partenheimer, dedicated not only to widespread diffusion but above all to the surreal beauty of automatic vending machines Japan.
You can purchase Japanese vending machine products in the SHOP in Milan or on TENOHA E-SHOP:
Hatakosen Pineapple ramune - €2.50